VIDEO: Dare County highlights house elevation projects

A screen capture from "Elevating Floodprone Homes in Dare County," released today. [YouTube]

Dare County has released a new video that highlights a series of house elevations that are currently underway thanks to funding from FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, which provides funding for the elevation of floodprone structures in order to prevent or reduce flood losses.

In August 2021, Dare County received a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant of more than $4 million to improve disaster resilience and elevate 31 flood-prone homes throughout the county. This FEMA funding became available as a result of Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael being declared federal disasters due to the extensive damage the storms caused in 2018.

To view the video on Dare County’s YouTube channel, click here.

For more information about FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding Program, please contact Dare County Grants & Waterways Administration Barton Grover at 252-475-5628 or
