Public hearing scheduled regarding proposed changes to cluster home development ordinance

The Dare County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 for a proposed amendment to the county’s Cluster Home Development Ordinance. The public hearing will take place at the commissioners meeting room at the Dare County Administration Building, which is located at 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive in Manteo.

After being requested by the Dare County Board of Commissioners to review the Cluster Home Development Ordinance, the Dare County Planning Board determined that the current ordinance allows for a level of density and scale in traditionally single-family districts that is not consistent with the intent of those districts.

The proposed amendment would remove cluster homes from being permitted in 22 districts located within unincorporated Dare County—specifically residential single-family zoning districts that do not allow the development of multi-family units.

Those who attend the public hearing will have the opportunity to speak during public comment and express any thoughts or concerns about the proposed changes.

If adopted by the Board of Commissioners, the proposed amendment would only impact future cluster home developments within the unincorporated areas of the county following the date of its adoption. Changes to the ordinance would not impact cluster home developments that have already been approved or applications already submitted.

For more information, please contact Dare County Planning Director Noah Gillam at or 252-475-5873 or visit
