Outer Banks Mom: Walk and Bike to School Week goes virtual!

"We’ve always loved going on bike rides with our kids but this particular day is an annual highlight for Penny, our elementary aged daughter. " [Audra Krieg photo]

It’s Walk and Bike to School Week! The National Center for Safe Routes to School organizes this national event and our local schools participate each October and each May. Of course, our local kids aren’t leaving their homes for school these days but their incredible physical education teachers are still encouraging them to get outside and get moving as a part of their remote learning.

This Wednesday is the official Walk and Bike to School Day. We’ve always loved going on bike rides with our kids but this particular day is an annual highlight for Penny, our elementary aged daughter.

The goal of this organization is to promote a healthy lifestyle and share an adventure with your kids while providing them with safety tips for sharing the road. Usually, the walk and bike ride brings together hundreds of local kids for an early morning adventure. They meet up at several check points and arrive at school together.

This year, the event is going virtual! Our local schools are still encouraging students to participate in Walk and Bike Day as a before school activity. Organizers are suggesting that we gather with our family members and take 10-20 minutes to walk or bike in our neighborhoods. For elementary aged kids this is a great time to point out that we can still be connected to our community even when we’re staying apart. This organization and our local teachers are encouraging participants to follow social distancing guidelines, keep hands off of their faces and to wash hands immediately when returning home.

Here’s the full breakdown of this weeks activities!

Monday – Inspire Day! Use sidewalk chalk to share inspirational messages on your sidewalks.

Tuesday – Prepare Day! Do a bike and helmet safety check! You can find more information on these checks below.

Wednesday – Get Outside! Enjoy an adventurous bike ride or walk.

Thursday – Share Day! Is there a bike safety concern in your neighborhood? Share concerns with your local officials.

Friday – Talk Day! Talk to your kids about their experiences and plan your next biking or walking adventure!

For more information, check out www.walkbiketoschool.org.

About Audra Krieg 7 Articles
Audra Krieg is a professional photographer, blogger, writer and mother of four living on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.