In celebration of National Poll Worker Recruitment Day on January 25, 2022, Dare County is encouraging anyone interested in serving as a poll worker to apply to assist with the administration of in-person voting on and before Election Day 2022.
Established by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is a national day of action that helps to address the critical shortage of poll workers and to ensure that elections run safely, smoothly and securely.
Despite the availability of vote-by-mail and absentee voting options in most states, millions of Americans continue to rely on in-person voting to cast their ballots, many of whom may require assistance with completing the process.
The specific duties assigned to poll workers vary depending on location; however, the most common tasks for election workers include setting up and preparing the polling location, welcoming voters as they arrive, verifying voter registrations and issuing ballots. Poll workers also help to ensure that voters understand the voting process by demonstrating how to use voting equipment and explaining specific voting procedures.
Compensation for Dare County poll workers ranges from $225 to $300 for a shift that begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. or later. Poll workers must work the full day and remain until all votes have been counted and all documents have been signed after the polls close in order to receive compensation.
Poll workers must be registered to vote in Dare County and must also attend a mandatory training session. High school students that are at least 17 years old—and who are both U.S. citizens and Dare County residents—are eligible to serve as student election assistants with approval from their parent/legal guardian and their school principal.
To apply to become a poll worker in Dare County, click the button below.
For more information, visit or contact Dare County Elections Director Jackie Tillett at 252-475-5631 or