Christmas tree recycling, disposal options offered by the Town of Southern Shores

[Stock Image/iStock]

The Town of Southern Shores has recently announced two options for live Christmas tree recycling following the conclusion of the holiday season:

Option #1: Your Christmas tree can have a second life or greater purpose by acting as a natural sand fence while helping to build up sand dunes. The wood and branches help with erosion control, and the nutrients are beneficial for the beach grass.

Christmas trees may be dropped off at the SSCA Hillcrest parking lot by January 13th, where they will be collected for sand fencing/erosion control.

Option #2: Christmas trees may be placed in your limb/branch piles for collection during your scheduled sector.

  • ALL metal and decorations must be removed or the contractor will reject collection.
  • Wreaths are excluded and will not be collected.
  • Guidelines for Limb/Branch collection apply.

For sector information, collection calendar, guidelines and rules visit:
