Bluefin tuna fishing season closes Friday night after quota reached

Atlantic bluefin tuna can reach up to 13 feet in length and weigh 2,000 pounds. [NOAA photo]

NOAA regulators have announced vessels with an Atlantic Tunas General or Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Charter/Headboat category permit may not retain, possess, or land large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna after 11:30 p.m., February 11, 2022.

Based on the best available landings information, the 75-metric ton quota available for the January through March time period will be reached shortly.

The General category bluefin tuna fishery will reopen on June 1, 2022, with the default daily/trip retention limit of one fish per vessel.

This action applies to all vessels permitted in the Atlantic Tunas General category and Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permitted vessels (with a commercial sale endorsement when fishing commercially for bluefin tuna).

Atlantic Tunas General and HMS Charter/Headboat category vessel owners are required to report all bluefin tuna retained or discarded dead within 24 hours of the landing(s) or end of each trip by:
