Animals move in to new Outer Banks SPCA shelter

The new Outer Banks SPCA shelter. [Screenshot from video]

On a rainy Tuesday morning, the dogs at the Outer Banks SPCA woke up to warm, dry conditions for the first time inside the new shelter.

The 8,700-square-foot facility on Airport Road near the N.C. Aquarium on Roanoke Island cost an estimated $4.5 million. The old shelter nearby was prone to flooding, and on more than one occasion, SPCA staff had to put out calls for fosters during storms.

“No more flooding. No more wet, slippery kennels from the rain blowing in. We are filled with so much gratitude this rainy morning!” the SPCA said in a Facebook post Tuesday. “We hope all of you, our friends, supporters, followers, animal-lovers, can feel this sweet relief and thankfulness with us.”

The SPCA is hosting a livestream ribbon-cutting on YouTube Friday at 11 a.m. and the shelter opens to the public at 2 p.m. that day. You can watch the festivities at
